The products that you use to wash and wax your car will have a significant impact on how long the paint on your car looks nice. If you use products containing certain ingredients, the clear-coat can fail and leave your car looking terrible. So, what ingredients should you find by reading the labels on each product? What should you be looking for to protect the finish of your car and what should you avoid using at all times? These and many other questions about the care of your car's paint can be found right here on my auto body blog.
25 January 2018
Your car's paintjob is both aesthetically appealing and functionally practical: not only does it give your vehicle a distinct appearance, it helps to protect against minor physical damage and rust. However, just like every other part of your car, your paintjob will not last forever: understanding the reasons why you may want to repaint your vehicle can help you figure out whether or not you should schedule an appointment at your local autobody shop.
3 November 2017
The worst part about being involved in an accident is having to pay to get your vehicle repaired after the fact, especially when you consider that some auto body repairs can be very expensive. However, there are a few ways to make sure that you don't spend too much on auto body repair, such as the three listed below. Make Sure That All Work Requires Your Approval One of the main things that you should do whenever you contract a company to perform auto body repair work is to make sure that all of the work requires your approval before it is done.
26 July 2017
You go to an auto show to show off your work, but it is hit in the process. Accidents are common with cars coming and going, so you need to know how to address the problem. Before you go to an auto show, you need to have the right insurance for your classic car. It is also important to have tools and parts for quick and simple repairs. Here are the first steps you need to take when your car has been hit:
21 June 2017
Having your vehicle's body damaged in a collision means you should get it repaired as soon as possible to prevent rusting and corrosion to the metal. You can take your vehicle to a local auto body repair shop, or do some or all the work yourself. Here are some tips to help you complete the repairs using a stud welder gun. Prepare the Vehicle Body To use a stud welder gun for pulling dents from your vehicle's body, you will first need to prepare the vehicle body for the repairs.
29 November 2016
Road salts, such as magnesium chloride, and constant exposure to moisture can introduce corrosion into every seen and unseen nook and cranny on your vehicles. Worse, this corrosion can go unnoticed for lengthy periods of time if you don't take time to look for it, thus resulting in costly damage that is difficult or impossible to repair. That is why prevention and early intervention are the keys to slowing or stopping winter-induced corrosion.